Living in the United States is living in seasons. You see as Americans we tend to switch from one season to another. We do not have a certain season or sport which we hold dear to our hearts. We have our Baseball season, our Basketball season, our Football season, our Hockey season, and now our Soccer season.
In Europe and Latin America and for the most part of the World we hold Soccer as the only sport worthy of our chants and our enjoyment. Soccer is one of the oldest games but it has never changed throughout the years as like the sports here in the United States. You see we play Soccer not because we are getting paid millions, but rather because we love to play. Some of the soccer players get more money than most of the athletes here in the U.S. but when the Cup comes around, no one plays according to how they get pay. We play for the moment of holding a cup in which it will state that you are the best. The World Cup is not something that players get millions more and more; no it's juts about which country is the best of the World. In the United States though we live with Greed and if we don't get pay according to what my agent says I should get pay than I will not play. Greed is the main sport here in the U.S. If you don't make more than the other person, than you don't deserve to play for that team or you will not perform as good because you are not getting paid what you think you deserve. How about playing for the love of the sport? Fans we moved from one venue to another according to what season it is.
Today is Baseball, tomorrow is Football. Soccer remains the same one sport one enjoyment. Sure look at Europe and all the different sports that they have one being Rugby which is pretty big in Europe and other countries, yet Soccer remains the main sport. For Soccer to be popular here in the U.S. we would have to start all over again because to enjoy soccer you must be born with it and not with how much money you can make. Soccer has no greed but love, and if you watch a soccer game from Europe you will see the difference between the fans here and the fans who really loved the sport. Soccer is not popular here in the U.S. for the sole purpose that we don't have a sport which stands out and is enjoyed not by the amount the athletes make but rather because it comes from our hearts as soccer is. Soccer can and most likely be very popular now that we are bringing the super stars from Europe that were in their prime once there, but no longer are, yet here they still are consider a sensation because we have not seen them played since they were little like some of us have.
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